r = DERIV_LINE(r,fsamp,filt) differentiation with the option to filter. ARGUMENTS r ... Matrix data (n x 1 or n x3) fsamp ... Sampling rate of signal filt ... Filter options (boolean) filt = 0 or false: do not filter (default) filt = 1 or true: filter data using 4th ord butt low-pass with 10 Hz cutoff filt = struct: filter according to struc fields (see bmech_filter) RETURNS r ... Differentiated matrix data NOTES - use the following example to test the differentiation method t = (0:0.001:1)'; x = sin(2*pi*t); dx1 = 2*pi*cos(2*pi*t); dx2 = deriv_line(x,1000,0); plot(dx1) hold on plot(dx2,'r') See also bmech_deriv, deriv_data, gradient, filter_line